Yangshuo – a little short

Yangshou at night

Yangshou at night – they do waste some energy on that.

The destination of our bike trip was Yangshou, a city at the shores of the Li river. Even though we arrived here in China’s national day and lonelyplanet recommended to avoid this place due to it’s tourists herds we found the city quite appealing. This was likely due to our hostel being on the “wrong” side of the river away from the center (anyway reachable by ferry in 2 min). The roof terrace with view over the „skyline“ including a little bar wasn’t a bad feature either (Yangshuo high hostel).

Yangshou high hostel roof terrace.

Yangshou high hostel roof terrace.

We could easily have spent one or two more days watching tourist fighting for bamboo boats or illegal pelican fishers, strolling through bamboo forests, eating off the tree pomelo or climbing the cast mountains around. Unfortunately our bus to Guangzhou was leaving the next day from Guilin and we had to head back.


House boats are coating the shores of the river in Yangshou. Very far from the glittering hotels close by.


Fishing with pelicans still popular though illegal. The bind the pelicans to a rope, let them fish and when the pelican caught one they fetch them again and squeeze the fish from the pelicans neck into a basket. Really mean.

There where the rice is grown

The rice chamber of china is located in Gunagxi.

The rice chamber of china is located in Gunagxi.

Three hours by bus from Guilin are some wooden villages glued to the mountain sides. These villages are home to the rice farmers of Guangxi that shape the land into green layers.

The villages around Longsheng are framed by the yellow turning rice.

The villages around Longsheng are framed by the yellow turning rice.

No way to reach these islands of rice by any kind of machinery.

No way to reach these islands of rice by any kind of machinery.

It’s incredible for how little money you can buy rice in the supermarket considering that all the work here is done manually under lots of effort. The villages and rice fields are connected by slim stone paths, which is lovely to look at but a burden for transportation. Everything is transported on the horse or human back.
The main transportation form between terraces and villages are braided baskets carried on the back.

The main transportation form between terraces and villages are braided baskets carried on the back.

The rice is grown on slim terraces, as slim as 0.3m not allowing for any kind of machinery. And then all the tourist that are to lazy to carry up their luggage and beer themselves ;).
Women waiting to carry up the luggage of tourist. The have a very funny way to set their hair. Traditionally the only cut their hair once in their life between 16-18, so gets pretty long. Therefore its is simply curled around the head and made into a bun at the forehead.

Women waiting to carry up the luggage of tourist. The have a very funny way to set their hair. Traditionally the only cut their hair once in their life between 16-18, so gets pretty long. Therefore its is simply curled around the head and made into a bun at the forehead.

However, this place beautiful and you can easily spend a few days hiking around the little paths or just sitting on your hostel terrace enjoying the view. In October, when we visited the rice is turning yellow giving the fields a perfect horizontal stripe look.

Bamboo rice 1: Cut some bamboo wood. Single out compartments. Empty them and prepare stoppers from corn cores.


Bamboo rice 2: Fill the bamboo with a mixture of rice, meat, fruit and peanuts. Close the bamboo and roast it over open fire.


Cut it open (be careful you will get black fingers) and enjoy.


My dinner ended when I found these in the chicken I ordered. Couldn’t keep Tom from eating.

Guilin and it’s cones

For our time in Guangxi we made Guilin our base. Already upon arrival we were hit by the heat confirming that we caught the summer again. 30˚C and pressing humidity. Luckily almost all hostel rooms contain air condition.
Guilin seen from the top of a cast mountain.

Guilin seen from the top of a cast mountain.

Guilin has it’s very own charm. This little Chinese town (only 4.5 million inhabitants) spreads it’s arms between forgein looking cast mountains and the syrup like Li river. The water can be found everywhere in the city being home to ancient pagodas, fisher and their boats and in case also serve as a wash for scooter, cloths, babies or dogs.
The moon and the sun pagoda, you may guess which is which.

The moon and the sun pagoda, you may guess which is which.


Fisher at the shores of Li river. Hobby or profession, we don’t know.


Scooter wash. We didn’t dare to try the local fish that are served everywhere in the city.

Two other remarkable things are the bakeries all over town that sell delicious bread (also because it is real bread) and the „Ampelmännchen“ (The only english translation I found was „little light man in traffic lights that indicate when to walk“). When we encountered the first we thought somebody programmed them wrongly because it was rather humpingly jumping than walking. After a while we actually got the impression somebody made a statement for „more tolerance with disabled people“ because each Ampelmännchen had a different kind of motion disorder.(MVI_7483).  From here we took a trip to the rice terraces around Tiantou and a idyllic bike ride to Yangshuo along the Li river.
Fisher boats or actually these were rather house boats, since people are living on their boats.

Fisher boats or actually these were rather house boats, since people are living on their boats.

Express Xian

After a night in the train we arrived in the grey an rainy Xian. Since it still was pouring down at late morning we decided to head for the Terracotta Army a day earlier. Surprisingly we found the bus already after 10 min searching. Arrived and after buying a ticket a Chinese women tried to talk us into taking a guide, but we refused. Many other people in this crowded place didn’t and we visited the warriors together with a crowd of Chinese tourist and their screaming guides. Maybe I was just hungry but I can’t say that I enjoyed it very much.
The chinese, the cameras and noisy guides.

The chinese, their cameras and their noisy guides.

Anyway, the warriors were interesting to look at. The poor guys that had to build them more than 2000 years ago must have been as bored as the people that are digging them out again.

Digging for warriors part 1.


Digging for warriors part 2.


Digging for warriors final part 3. They are unique! But whether this is a feature or just comes with their manual creation, who knows.

A funny thing that we observed on our way back were the hundreds of people selling pomegranate and only pomegranate. The area must be quit famous for this fruit.
Back in Xi’an we had a stroll through the famous Muslim market, which was still crowded at 9 pm. The have a famous street food, that everybody calls Xian burger, but in principal is pulled beef stuffed in a roll a bit like kebab. Not a bad choice though, if your are okay with eating in the street.
Xi'an burger or pulled beef in some bread.

Xi’an burger or pulled beef in some bread.

Being rewarded with sunshine the next day, we went to the 13km long city wall rented a bike and enjoyed the feeling of rolling along a boulevard.

Biking Xi’an city wall. It is probably the safest place to ride a bike in the whole city.


The whole 13km are decorated with these red lamps illuminating the wall during night. (they have to be changed regular because the red is fading in the sun.)

Pingyao – sleeping like a chinese emperor

The lovely old buildings finely decorated for the tourists.

The lovely old buildings finely decorated for the tourists.

Pingyao is a rather small Chinese city (only half a million inhabitants) that due to its vanished importance maintained its historical center protected by restored city walls. Former courtyards are transformed into hotels and hostels, but kept the historic interior making us sleep like an emperor from the Qing dynasty. The bed was simply build by brick stones with a thin layer of mattress on top. Pillows felt like filled with rice and the whole thing was framed in pink curtains. We had a perfect night sleep.

Our hostel backyard by night. We got the very last room in the third backyard.

Our hostel backyard by night. We got the very last room in the third backyard.

However, as few foreigners as you meet her as many Chinese tourist visit this place and made a point about living inside a tourist attraction (we also seemed to be a big attraction and were saved on many phones and memory cards).
More about being a good subject for photography than actual protecting the stone houses from burning.

More about being a good subject for photography than actual protecting the stone houses from burning.

A little choice from the souvenir shops framing Pingyaos streets.

A little choice from the souvenir shops framing Pingyaos streets.

Anyway Pingyao is lovely. Our tour around on the city wall was nearly as lonely as in the woods, the courtyard museums are good and short afternoon entertainment (included in the ticket for the wall for 15€!) …
Excaping the crowd. Pingyao city wall.

Excaping the crowd. Pingyao city wall.

… and whenever we headed outside the wall we left the touts behind us and were met with a mixture of friendliness and curiosity. Actually eating out get a whole new meaning, since food was a lot better and cheaper outside the walls.

Pingyao side streets outside the city walls.


Chinese street food „Spätzle“ and a very amused chief, when we set down and even wanted to make pictures of him. Look out for him in Pingyao, great choice.


„Spätzle“ are served in spicy soup. Yummy

Going great – the wall

The great wall is actually not that high but high in the mountains and impressively long.

The great wall is actually not that high but high in the mountains and impressively long.

Of course one of the things that you can’t miss out while being in Beijing is a trip to the Great Wall. We decided to go for the easy way going to one of the popular spots and hike until we meet the unrestored part.
According to loneyplant it should be straight forward to go to Mutianyu. From the central bus station bus number 867 should make a detour to the wall at 7 and 8:30 am. So we set the alarm to 5:45 am. Unfortunately we first got up 6:15, stuffed some good in our bags and rushed to the bus station. 6:50 we found ourselves lost between numerous busses, but non had the number 867, when a Chinese woman approached us „are you going to the Great Wall? Bus 867? This bus stopped. I am a bus conductor. You have to take bus 980 and get of at the fifth stop.“ Handed us a note which stated all this in Chinese and stuffed us into Bus 980 and we headed out of the city. At least the bus seemed to go in the right direction. After a while and no signs of a next station we started showing the note to the other people in the bus. They just laughed and nodded and indicated us to get if the bus after about an hour drive. We got of the bus and a Chinese man approached us „need taxi?“ He showed us where we were (far off) but wanted 300RMB bit to much went down to 200 which was still to much and our mood wasn’t to got either with an empty stomach. So we left him there and headed for the next supermarket to buy some food. Tom asked the lady at counter whether she knew how to get to the wall and she handed us a note with the English description???? Where did that came from. We walked 1km to the next bus station got into the right bus and ended up in the city that was mentioned in the lonelyplanet. Got into another bus, without an idea where to get off. Do we just went out with the crowd. Another guy offering us a ride to the wall for 80RMB. But now I was so pissed that I did not mind and we just went for the offer and finally arrived.
The wall itself is quit impressive, and very exhausting to hike especially the unrestored part. But unfortunately we had to learn the the smog grating out all view does not stop at city walls, so we barely couldn’t see more than a few hundred meters.

The great wall hiding itself under a layer of smog.


Tommy and Steffi needing a little break from climbing stairs.


The unrestored part of the wall is slowly taking over by nature again.

One hour way back we again tried to catch bus 867, but one of this minivan drivers did wanted to let us go. So we agreed on taking his service now for 30RMB, if the bus shouldn’t show up until 4:10 pm. The bus did not came ;), but therefore we made it back to Beijing buy 6pm to get us a well earned opulent dinner.
We never actually found out, whether bus 867 still exists.

Biking Beijing

Tom biking on the bike highways in Beijing, that are usually packed with bikes, e-scooters and cabs.

Tom biking on the bike highways in Beijing, that are usually packed with bikes, e-scooters and cabs.

After a total of a 30h Train and Bus Trip we stumbled out of the Busstation into the never sleeping Beijing. Friday night 2 o’clock welcomed us with street food, Chinese beer and a buzzing sunlintun nightlife. No wonder that you see non-Chinese faces as soon as you step out the door because every nationality settle down here easily. Without any expectations I couldn’t come around to like Beijing immediately.
View from the apartment of Tom's college (6 am).

View from the apartment of Tom’s college (6 am).

Next day we could move to one of these westerners, a former college of Tom, into one of these big and nice apartments with a view over the city. (Thanks so much for the great time.)
Eating hotpot with our perfect hosts.

Eating hotpot with our perfect hosts.

And how great, she could borrow us two bikes to explore the city. If you bring some sense of adventure, irresponsibility, no fear and no common sense, bike this city! Bike lanes are fairly huge (even though often blocked by parking cars), their are thousands of Chinese on bikes and electric scooter indicating when to cross the red lights and where to squeeze between cars and busses and most drivers are despite prejudges aware enough to not run you over. So even  bikes to cars it is still possible to survive and we saw so much more than in a bus, cab or metro.
We visited the forbidden city (keeps the tradition on Mondays) together with as it felt a million Chinese tourists (90 years of openness seemed not to have compensate for the 500 years of forbidden entrence) and wandered for hours between red walls and yellow roofs. Unfortunately or audio guide was not always with us.

Queuing for tickets to the forbidden city with a few other visitors ;).


Workers repairing the square in front of the entrance. Funnily it always takes at least three workers to do something.


… and again a few other visitors taking pictures of some old chairs. Wish I was a kid again.


Fig. 3. A representative image of the yellow roofs in the forbidden city. Most impressing is that such a huge area can look so alike.


The audio guide didn’t really fit my ear size making me a little Indian girl.


We were not the only ones being exhausted after a two hours tour in the forbidden city.

However, the biggest attraction of this city are the people living here. The banana Chinese looking important in suits next to glittering modern buildings, the youngsters in their joggingschooluniforms, the grandparents in green parks, the families living the life’s in the left over hutongs (old traditional housing districts that we enjoyed strolling very much), all the people earning their income on the street. Sure the car drivers using their horn more often than their breaks but everybody we met was friendly and helpful and offered us a smile.

Cleaning crew at Tian’men. The guys with the lowest wage definitely had the most fun.


The historic hutong, containing small shops like this bike repair shop, are slowly replaced by modern high towers.


Hutongs by night. An old lady ridding her three-wheeler home.

School kids going home at around 9 pm. Its not being fun to be between 6 and 19 in China.

School kids going home at around 9 pm. Its not being fun to be between 6 and 19 in China.


Beijing food market. You can buy the fresh made noodles for an apple and a egg.


Beijing food market the second. Everything that is eatable can be bought here. (And you remember chines eat everything with four legs except tables, everything that flys except airplanes and everything that swims except boats.)

Driving mongolian busses and trains

I already gave some impressions of driving in mongolian Minivans for our Gobi Tour. Driving the local busses is somewhat similar. It’s shaky (roads are the same as for the minivans), they don’t have seat belts (despite bad road conditions), are over crowded (no limits on luggage and kids that can be carried on one ticket) and they are however lovingly decorated by their owner. In contrast the driver shows some reasonably pace, resulting in 10h travel time for about 400 km.

Wonder if mummy sewed this curtains.

Wonder if mummy sewed this curtains.

Driving in mongolian trains compared to russian trains make a big difference. You are actually happy that you travelmates talk some russian allowing you for a basic communication. Seats are covered with carpets (Mongolians have them covering all kind of seats also in jeeps), you get the instant coffee for free and while sleeping on the top beds you don’t have a safety gitter but a belt preventing you from dropping on the table. And finally, it’s a lot cheaper than the russian trains, but otherwise it are exactly the same trains.
Russian standard - mongolian trains.

Russian standard – mongolian trains.

In the cities of tents

We wondered how moving works in this country, because the land is owned by everybody or by nobody. In the countryside people agree with their neighbors on the ground they use. In the cities, we assume, people just find a empty place, build a fence around and set a ger up. Therefore the map of all cities look as if they are growing organically.

The growing tentacles of UB.

The growing tentacles of UB.

Ulanbaatar, by everybody lovingly called UB (YouBe) is by far the biggest city in Mongolia and by far the city with the worst air pollution in the world. We could already see the dirty cloud hanging over the city when we arrived by bus (the city is lucky the be surrounded by mountains so smog is also hardly blown away). A lot if this pollution is actually not caused by industry but by thousands of gers (mongolian tents) that are still heated by coal, but beautiful coat the hills surrounding the city.


UB covered by a layer of coal particles seen from the immigration agency.

In this city you will find everything. Numerous tour agencies bringing you out in the country side, a big state department store (said to by an attraction, actually very similar to a big European shopping store like galleria Kaufhof or Magasin), shops to stock up on trekking gear, the black market were you will find everything, mongolian and international cusine but beds in hostel are sometimes hard to find.

Microfraction of the farbic selection on the black market.


Schachlik snack made in UB.

We stayed in the Sunpath that is a cosy hostel also organizing tours. It’s owner is friendly, unbelievable patient (explaining for an hour a crazy Spanish guy that he want come far without a Chinese visa ) speaks fluent English, the only thing that was lacking during the whole time that we stayed there was warm water.
The smaller cities work the same way with a little city center and a large ger area around, and a little market very you can do your shopping. There you really stick out as a foreigner and kids will have fun coming to you shouting „hello“ and hurry to run away.

View on the ger areas in Tsetserleg (after a while or with increasing income people also start to build houses inside their fences).


Fences in Tsetserleg (not as white and as straight as in Europe).

Lessons learned about Mongolia

1. Mongolians don’t drink water but large amounts of milk tea (most also add some salt which is great when made properly but disgusting in the instant version). Considering the water conditions and animals kept everywhere also in the cities, I would neither drink the water so making hot tea makes perfect sense, since it kills a great deal of the bacteria in the water.

2. Soup is eaten with a spoon everything else with a fork. A knive is only used for preparing the food. To empty their plate they shuffle the food to them self and then suck it up.

3. Mongolians are famous for horse riding, but in reality the motorbikes replaced horses for animal care.
4. Mongolians mainly eat meat, cereal and dairy products. Whenever you visited a family in the steppe you no why. Goats can live of the little grass that is growing there, but you would never by able to plant cucumbers there.
Mongolian food pyramid, we think it translates as follows: 1. Water and motion, 2. bread, milk tea, airag, dried cheese, 3. vegetables??? with meat, 4. Eggs, fish, ham, 5. Cake, yellow cheese (cow) and fruits

Mongolian food pyramid, we think it translates as follows: 1. Water and motion, 2. bread, milk tea, airag, dried cheese, 3. vegetables??? with meat, 4. Eggs, fish, ham, 5. Cake, yellow cheese (cow) and fruits

5. When ever you visit Mongolia by prepared for long shaky bus rides. The country is wide and asphalt roads or train infrastructure does not exist. However these rides give you time to admire the landscape and the mongolian country music played by the driver.
6. Most nomads keep horses or camels for transport. These animals are kept in a less domesticated way. They don’t have names and are allowed to walk free around to grass in the steps. To make sure they come back, their babies are tied up next to the ger (Camel babies cry for their mum if necessary all whole night so we didn’t got much sleep.).
7. Traffic signs are needless in Mongolia. Asphalt roads will always connect the bigger cities with each other. Road conditions don’t allow a pace higher than 60 km/h anyway and if in the country side you go into the approximate direction and ask in the next Ger for precise location.
8. Mongolian “snuff” tobacco. Meaning the put it on the back of their hand and snuffle it into the nose. they made it do us before riding a camel and we assume they only do it because the camels stink so much.
9. Mongolian have something in common with people from the former eastern Germany. They put nice thick carpets in their home, which can even be found in the hostels and therefore make you taking of your shoes as soon as you enter (felt immediately at home).
10. The Concept of travel bags is unknown in Mongolia. Nearly everbody will show up with paper boxes in what they carry we don’t know what in minivans, busses and trains.

Luggage organization in a local train.

11. For whatever reason mongolian men don’t become bald, on the other side they are neither able to grew a beard.
12. Mongolian produce red wine, but it simply looks and tastes as if they dilute vodka with grape juice.