1. Mongolians don’t drink water but large amounts of milk tea (most also add some salt which is great when made properly but disgusting in the instant version). Considering the water conditions and animals kept everywhere also in the cities, I would neither drink the water so making hot tea makes perfect sense, since it kills a great deal of the bacteria in the water.
2. Soup is eaten with a spoon everything else with a fork. A knive is only used for preparing the food. To empty their plate they shuffle the food to them self and then suck it up.
3. Mongolians are famous for horse riding, but in reality the motorbikes replaced horses for animal care.
4. Mongolians mainly eat meat, cereal and dairy products. Whenever you visited a family in the steppe you no why. Goats can live of the little grass that is growing there, but you would never by able to plant cucumbers there.

Mongolian food pyramid, we think it translates as follows: 1. Water and motion, 2. bread, milk tea, airag, dried cheese, 3. vegetables??? with meat, 4. Eggs, fish, ham, 5. Cake, yellow cheese (cow) and fruits
5. When ever you visit Mongolia by prepared for long shaky bus rides. The country is wide and asphalt roads or train infrastructure does not exist. However these rides give you time to admire the landscape and the mongolian country music played by the driver.
6. Most nomads keep horses or camels for transport. These animals are kept in a less domesticated way. They don’t have names and are allowed to walk free around to grass in the steps. To make sure they come back, their babies are tied up next to the ger (Camel babies cry for their mum if necessary all whole night so we didn’t got much sleep.).
7. Traffic signs are needless in Mongolia. Asphalt roads will always connect the bigger cities with each other. Road conditions don’t allow a pace higher than 60 km/h anyway and if in the country side you go into the approximate direction and ask in the next Ger for precise location.
8. Mongolian “snuff” tobacco. Meaning the put it on the back of their hand and snuffle it into the nose. they made it do us before riding a camel and we assume they only do it because the camels stink so much.
9. Mongolian have something in common with people from the former eastern Germany. They put nice thick carpets in their home, which can even be found in the hostels and therefore make you taking of your shoes as soon as you enter (felt immediately at home).
10. The Concept of travel bags is unknown in Mongolia. Nearly everbody will show up with paper boxes in what they carry we don’t know what in minivans, busses and trains.

Luggage organization in a local train.
11. For whatever reason mongolian men don’t become bald, on the other side they are neither able to grew a beard.
12. Mongolian produce red wine, but it simply looks and tastes as if they dilute vodka with grape juice.