1. The „to go“ beaker was probably not invented by Starbucks, but by the Chinese. You see these kind if beakers everywhere filled with tea or just hit water (never drink unboiled water in China).
2. It’s coming more and more that kids are wearing pampers but usually the just empty themselves on the street. And to make it more convenient trouser are actually produced with holes at the back so all the kids need to do is bend down.

Try to have a closer look at teddys butt.
3. Chinese are huge gambler. You find them all over playing some game with wooden tokens gathering a crowd around them.

With a crowd of chinese men usually comes a game with wooden tokens.

However, gambling seems to be a national sport for young and old.
4. Chinese love dancing and singing and they just perform in every free space, so you can find yourself in a spontaneous gather choir when you stumble out of a fruit market or asked to dance chinese style salsa in a little park area.
5. Tourist attractions in china are exceptional expensive. We don’t actually know why. Maybe to keep poorer people away or just because people are willing to pay they price.
6. China does not know the concept of a oven. Bread (means rolls) are either fried or damped. (Not quite true, since we found bread in Guangxi.)
7. Due to the one child politic Chinese make a big fuse about kids, however we hardly found any playgrounds or trolleys. It’s mainly the grandparents that take over this job.

Grandparents taking care of their little grandson.
8. Chinese love kitsch, especially when it comes to weddings. The photo of the couple is the most important thing during wedding decorating the room and therefore taken days before. Since the Chinese adopted more and more the western style you find these nicely dressed couples all over town podding endlessly for the photographer and everybody that comes by.

A couple posing for the photographer and us :).
9. Chinese men sweat through the belly button meaning whenever they get too hot they put up their shirts, no matter where they are.

A very common sight in China. The only cute thing about is, that little boys of 2 years already adopt their dads behaviour.
10. Air condition is quit popular, being installed nearly everywhere especially in south china. However 16˚C is maybe a bit much and not smart considering the open doors of most shops.

An ordinary apartment house in south China. The boxes can’t really be hidden.
11. Chinese are unbelievable lazy. If they don’t have to move they won’t. Good part if you are going to a touristic side that involves walking you are mainly on your own.
13. There exist two types of bikers. The ones in Bejing that show off with their fancy fixies and the ones that can’t afford an electro scooter.

What are the bicycles in Copenhagen are the electro scooter in China. There are already a few city that banish them.
And last but not least a few prejudges about China:
1. Yes the food is incredible tasty. Nearly everything we ate was not less than very good and we didn’t suffered one single day from stomach ache.

Tom after four weeks in China ;).
2. Yes they chinese spite where they walk and stand, and no you don’t get used to it.

View from my bed in the train on the trash bowl containing some spit from my neighbour.
3. Yes, Chinese copy everything. But it is surely not the same quality. We sticked to the real snickers.

I leave to you to decide, which is the real one.
4. Yes, these red lamps are hanging everywhere. But it’s beautiful though.

Beer museum Guangzhou is just one tiny example.
5. Ja, i kina spiser de hunde. And of course also the never forgotten chicken legs can be found in the supermarket, as snacks at every corner and also in the famous farmers dish in Tiantou.

It seems quite clear that this one did not died a natural death.

Chicken legs in it’s purest form, usually you eat them fried.