Compared to all other countries we have visited so far NewZealand resembled most what we call a western country. Rules that are obeyed, traffic lights that work, supermarkets that sell stuff with price tags on (the prices actual exceeded our expectations, wauh is this place expensive), busses that can be booked only and only transport the number of people that fit onto seats, nobody is hasseling or cheating you, Hostels are clean, comfy and have a kitchen so you can prepare your own meal, so overall relaxing. Apart from that many things remind of UK, not only do you get a great ale and fish and chips, but even fried Mars bars are sold (still great).
So now to the interesting facts about NZ:
1. NewZealand has by far the cleanest and most comfortable public toilets I have seen so far. They are even equipped with toilet paper. And the kiwis are so respectful to keep them that way.
2. Kiwis love road signs. You find signs for everything and to make things worse they generally allow 100 km/h nearly everything just to put up signs reminding you to slow down.
3. Kiwis don’t seem to have specific rules regarding their design of mail boxes, so they come on every lovely and thinkable format.

A small selection of „Kiwi“ style mail boxes. Think they should allow this in Germany as well. would make life a little more bright.
4. Kiwis don’t eat bread, they eat toast and that’s what they cultivate.
5. Most Kiwis Seen to be pretty good in mathematics. At least instead of stating the amount of fat in a product the state the amount that is not fat all the time.